How to confirm that you have installed an app from Google Play Store at least once before?

Today I was searching for a suitable journaling app on Google Play Store. Last time I explored this was almost two years ago. Then I didn’t find any to suit my taste. So, I continued to journal physically. This time, I noticed a few new highly rated apps and a few that I had tried before. I wanted to try the new ones first. But, there was a highly rated app which I was not sure if I tried before.

Now, this kind of dilemma can occur to anyone. Following is the most unambiguous way to find that out.

Way to find out:

In Play Store, scroll down the app page and reach the Ratings and Reviews section. Now, see just above it. Do you find a section to Rate this app? If yes, then you have used this app, else no, you haven’t used this app before.

This will work even if you have multiple Google accounts linked to play store and the selected account is not the one used to install the app before.

App Installed Before

App Installed Before

App Never Installed Before

App Never Installed Before

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